I am sensitive and it appears to be a solid reason to
hate myself at the moment. No serious! And you are lucky to have people around
you who would upsurge your sensitivity and sit around the chamber looking at
you like something antique presented after ages.
It is quite strange that I was forced by myself to write something
about me and stranger is that, I couldn’t fight it. There were times when I would
win this battle no matter how strong the need was. There comes a point in life
when you think whatever you did makes some sense in bigger picture of life but
later on you might find out that you have been blindly following a cusp. You knew
it is meant to be an intersection but you didn’t know how strong it is.
As a
child I had fantasies, dreams of having a family that I am proud of and most
importantly a family proud of me. People
who are pure, selfless and extremely protective towards your happiness, I wanted
to have friends who could make me laugh, an (unfortunate-since I hate myself)
partner who would guess what I was about to say, how could I react in certain cases.
In short a complete psychic.
But truth appeared so tardily that never did
justice. I was happy but was perusing happiness in others life. I was contended,
independent but wanted people to support me. These all stupidity ultimately
opens up your eyes and you start hating yourself.
Only those people can understand who are sensitive
because ultimately it’s a crime; somewhere in your life you would disappoint
your family for others; just being protective for others but that broken
hatchet is going to be with your entire life.
Then you would support family in
front of others and you would see how possessive you have become for your own
I was wondering today; is it really hard to hide somebody else’s weakness
or giving a balm to unprotected area? Is it that difficult that you cannot
trust anyone because whosoever you are going to trust would come out to be a
person who had own values, beliefs may be someone who can clearly state you
being extra emotional and sensitive ; hence leaving you deserted for as many
days as possible.
Today I had a deep dive; you must be wondering where. I can’t
really tell you but to be honest it’s the same state as to be in pre-operation.
Dr comes and sits closer to you; holds your hand; check veins then beats; asks
you if you are tensed?
You without even thinking about consequences nod your
He will take some extra cautions; does whatever can be done at that very
moment and you would look at him like a tired passenger who is not curious; who
doesn’t even know what it means to be in pre-op who is just waiting at the
station… to be taken care of; not about the consequences remember but about the
He wants to move on … lights are right in front of you;
glaring your eyes above your head; you could see people walking just around and
about you … you are not curious to see their faces even; you are looking at the
Someone comes upfront removes his masks and says remember me … you say
yes I am alive and then when you open your eyes you experience the consequences.
We have strong faith at our creator; no trust me; if you
see people closing their eyes and doing crazy things they had a contract signed
by him, or a promise because being stubborn is no option on this planet.
If you find people who are psychic and most importantly
they don’t have competition with you hold them forever because otherwise you
will keep finding missing gaps and holes in every one's life of so many things like someone’s
loss, being sensitive and how many times did you cry, Happiness, support and
strangely people deliver everything with a smile when it comes to filling up
that hole.
Since I am out of writing thingy from a long time so I know
it’s even harder for me to keep my normal flow. Sensitivity is over in pre –op. So have a wonderful life. Best thing about being sensitive is the time when it
withers away.
Smiles :)