Sunday, February 26, 2012

Silver jubilee

Today on my birthday ...

I asked my mum to narrate story of my birth
To tell me if i looked pretty and awesome
If she was excited to have little girl to cuddle
... And how i much i loved jumping in puddle
I asked her what did my father say looking at me
And did he help coping up with my myseries?
And how did i look in frocks, ribbons and glary
Did they think i am their fairy?
And when did i walk holding on that wall..?
How they feel when i first crawled?
Do i look younger or 25 years old?
She smiled and said you are my doll...

These beautiful 25 years of excellence; a gift of life filled with wonderful bounties, emotions, happines ,sadness ,challenges by Allah, My lovely parents , relatives, People and friends. Thankyou for your warm wishes and prayers.


  1. congrats on silver jubilee :) lovely words... hope u had a wonderful day...

  2. Have a blessed birthday Humaira. That's a lovely write up.

  3. Be blessed always :) xx

  4. Humaira! I, accidentally deleted your comment from recent post.
    since your comment was valuable, please re-insert your thoughts there.

    tariq mian
